I laughed.
Now this is my #1 favorite NG series from now on!
I laughed.
Now this is my #1 favorite NG series from now on!
You did that in photoshop? Looks more like you did everyting in flash to me...
I like the graphic style you used in the flash and I especially love that "radio" voice from that guy in the gray clothes. But this isn't really a masterpiece that will win an award exactly.
Especially the smoke and fire effects of the gun were made in photoshop. I never knew you could use psd's in flash. And an award? I dont think so either. Would be rather silly for 1 days work :D.
Boring flash with original style
You have proved for me that the another day series is a dull and boring series. I will never watch an another day flash again
Not worth the load...
I can't say i was impressed by the story and i don't think the whole series won't become a big success on newgrounds...
looks good, tastes bad
Better flashes requieres better reviews. But better reviews means harder judgments, Mwohahaha!
I got some really big problem to see why people like this flash so much. Well obvious the main reason is the graphics. The graphics are wonderful. Infact... i think littleFoot offer some of the greatest graphics you can find on newgrounds. But then again when i said "graphics", i meant background graphics. I'm sorry to say this but when i take a look at the background-graphics i think to myself. "Hmm... how many disney movies did this guy look at when he animated this flash?". I really mean it. Your background looks like it was from a disney movie but the background-graphics has some magic looking feeling in it. Wich i like... But i wasn't so impressed by the character design but i understand that frame-by-frame artists like you stick to easily drawn characters so when they move it'll look smooth in everyway there is in animation.
oh yes! And now for my favorite part of reviewing. The story!
I can't say i was impressed by the story. It didn't happen so much and if it wan't for all eye-candy, i would have got bored already at the beginning of littleFoot. Now that's a really good question, what did happen? That thing called littleFoot (or at least i think it was) ran away from his mommy, that brown thing with horns decided to play with littleFoot. As i said before, if it wasn't for the graphics i would have shut down the flash at the beginning. I hope the story will be better in littleFoot2...
I'm sorry over my grammer, the time is 4AM right now were i live and i still can't believe why i'm not in my bed... good night
So-So for a collab
there are few sprite movies i accually like, but this is not one of them
WTF was that?
maybe i would have liked it if i was high, too bad for you i ain't
drugs are bad for you anyway
If you tried to make a funny flash then you failed at it
Fly! Into Me!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 5/6/00